Alternatywne Studio Aktorskie
NIP: 5213848811
Adres: ul. Iwicka 36B / 76, 00-735 Warszawa
I. Postanowienia ogólne:
Warunkiem uczestnictwa w zajęciach jest zaakceptowanie regulaminu uczestnictwa w zajęciach ASA przez osobę fizyczną biorącą udział w zajęciach lub przez opiekuna prawnego dziecka na stronie, w tym wydanie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych.
Ilość uczestników zajęć jest ograniczona (maks. ilość osób na grupę jest podana w opisie zajęć na serwisie oraz na głównej stronie studia:
Zajęcia w ASA prowadzone są przez wykwalifikowanych instruktorów.
Udział w zajęciach organizowanych przez ASA jest dobrowolny.
Zajęcia odbywają się cyklicznie wg ustalonego grafiku, dostępnego w zakładce "PROGRAM" na
Program zajęć jest tworzony przez Alternatywne Studio Aktorskie i w razie potrzeby przedstawiany uczestnikom na początku każdego sezonu.
Zajęcia mogą zostać odwołane w przypadku:
Odwołane zajęcia będą w miarę możliwości odrabiane w innym terminie.
Zajęcia w ASA są płatne wg ustalonych stawek na dany sezon. Informacja o stawkach dostępna jest zarówno na stronie głównej: jak i na stronie zapisów na zajęcia
Opłatę za zajęcia na dany miesiąc należy dokonywać maksymalnie do 7-go dnia każdego miesiąca przelewem na konto wg. harmonogramu opłat podanego w profilu uczestnika w serwisie internetowym W innych przypadkach (np. MASTERCLASS) uiszczenie opłaty odbywać się będzie poprzez przelew należnej kwoty na konto właściciela Studia ASA. Dane do przelewu:
ul. Iwicka 36B / 76
00-735 Warszawa
nr konta: 49 1140 2004 0000 3102 7827 0995
Uczestnik ma obowiązek poinformować instruktora zajęć o wszelkich problemach zdrowotnych lub innych kwestiach mogących wpływać na uczestnictwo w zajęciach.
W przypadku rezygnacji z uczestnictwa w zajęciach, uczestnik zobowiązany jest poinformować o tym fakcie ASA z miesięcznym wyprzedzeniem.
ASA zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian w regulaminie, o których uczestnicy będą informowani z wyprzedzeniem.
II. Warunki uczestnictwa w zajęciach:
III. Ochrona danych osobowych:
IV. Reklamacje
I. General Provisions:
In order to participate in the classes, the participant, or the legal guardian of a child participating in the classes, must accept the ASA Participation Regulations on the website, including consent to the processing of personal data.
Joining a group, meaning signing up for one or more formats of classes at the Alternative Acting Studio, is equivalent to accepting the applicable regulations, which are visible on the homepage of in the lower right corner.
Participants always have direct access to the regulations.
The number of participants in the classes is limited (the maximum number of participants per group is provided in the class descriptions on the website and on the main studio page:
The classes at ASA are led by qualified instructors.
Participation in classes organised by ASA is voluntary.
Classes take place cyclically according to the established schedule, available in the "PROGRAM" tab on
The class programme is created by the Alternative Acting Studio and, if necessary, is presented to participants at the beginning of each season.
Classes may be cancelled in the event of:
i. The instructor’s absence due to illness;
ii. A priority event being held at ASA, approved by the ASA management;
iii. Force majeure, such as government, regional, or municipal decisions, national mourning, natural disasters, etc.
Cancelled classes will be rescheduled, if possible, to another date.
The classes at ASA are paid according to the rates set for the current season. Information on rates is available both on the main page at and on the class registration page at
Fees for the classes in a given month should be paid by the 7th day of each month via bank transfer, according to the payment schedule provided in the participant's profile on the website In other cases (e.g., MASTERCLASS), payment will be made via bank transfer to the owner of the ASA Studio. Payment details are as follows:
Iwicka 36B / 76
00-735 Warsaw
Account number: 49 1140 2004 0000 3102 7827 0995
The participant is obliged to inform the instructor of any health issues or other matters that may affect their participation in the classes.
If a participant decides to withdraw from the classes, they must inform ASA with at least one month’s notice.
After notifying ASA of the resignation, a one-month notice period applies. For example: if a participant withdraws from the classes on October 30, this means they are obliged to pay for the following 4 classes (for the regular month). During this notice period, the participant may continue attending the classes.
ASA reserves the right to introduce changes to the regulations, which will be communicated to participants in advance.
II. Conditions of Participation in the Classes:
Participation in the classes is based on registration made through the website
Registrations for the classes can be made throughout the year, provided there are available places in the groups. An exception to this is the 3-year Acting Programme and the Annual Acting Course.
The fee for the classes covers participation in the classes and any materials required for their implementation.
It is possible to purchase one-off trial classes (paid) for each class format, which do not result in permanent registration in the group.
In the event of absence from classes, the fee is non-refundable.
A participant is entitled to a refund for classes if they report their absence at least 30 days in advance.
If a participant signals a monthly absence in accordance with point 5, in order to maintain continuity and keep their place in the group, a fee will be charged for the classes, which will amount to 30% of the regular rate.
Participants are obliged to arrive on time for the classes and to comply with the rules in force at ASA.
The MASTERCLASS and Maciej Jabłoński's Lecturing Workshops have a separate set of rules, which are presented to participants after signing up for the group.
III. Personal Data Protection:
The data controller for participants' personal data is USŁUGI ARTYSTYCZNE SEBASTIAN SŁOMIŃSKI, Iwicka 36B / 76, 00-735 Warsaw.
Participants' personal data are processed for the purpose of fulfilling the contract for services related to participation in the classes.
Participants have the right to access their data, correct them, delete them, limit their processing, object to their processing, as well as the right to data portability.
Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the execution of the contract.
Participants' personal data will be stored for the duration of their participation in the classes and for a maximum of 3 years after they stop using ASA's services for claims purposes.
IV. Complaints:
Complaints should be submitted via email to:
The organiser has 14 days to process the complaint.
The complaint should include the following information: the name of the guardian (person submitting the complaint), the name of the participant, phone number, the name and date of the class, as well as a description and the exact reason for the complaint.
V. Resignation Procedure:
To withdraw from the classes, a statement of withdrawal from the contract must be submitted (in accordance with the EU regulations set out in Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 25 October 2011 on Consumer Rights) in writing to the seller's address, or electronically via email to:
Failure to submit the statement of withdrawal will result in the participant not being removed from the classes and, consequently, continued charges for the classes.
VI. Final Provisions:
This regulation is effective from 17 July 2024.
The regulations are available for review at the ASA headquarters and on the website
Any matters not regulated by these regulations will be settled in accordance with the applicable law.